Welcome to our digital showcase.
We are an independent integratedmarketing agency specialised in deliveringcreative and results driven solutionsto ambitious brands.
We are an independent integratedmarketing agency specialised in deliveringcreative and results driven solutionsto ambitious brands.

Think BIG
Do YOU reach for the stars? At ERKA, we are here every step of the way to take you where YOU aim for:

ENTERa new market

REACHnew clients

TEST anew idea

LAUNCH aninnovativepositionning



DEVELOPan agile culture

Have apositiveIMPACT


What'syour NEXTchallenge?

Partner with a human-size agency, who envisionsyour community's challenges.
Partner with a human-size agency, who envisionsyour community's challenges.
Meet us in one of our
Work with a network of
Communication and creative industry experts
Proudly implementing projects in
European countries
Join the boundless world!
Our team and experts design campaigns erasing theboundary between offline and online.
Our team and experts design campaigns erasing theboundary between offline and online.

Strategy & Creation
Advertising StrategyBrand Strategy and PositioningNaming, Visual Identity and PackagingCopywriting

Digital Communication StrategySocial Media Strategy & PerformanceUser Experience & Interface DesignResponsive Web DesignInfluence Marketing

Print & Production
Graphic DesignPrintAudioVideoWeb

Other diversified services
BTL / In-store Concept & ActivationTrade MarketingSport Marketing & SponsorshipMedia (Research, Strategy, Planning, Buying)PR

We work with ambitious brands to ensure every step of the way your campaigns are efficient, consistent and aligned, creating a virtuous ecosystem for your brand. Let’s spark interest!